Monday, November 05, 2007

I am in Europe for 9 days celebrating my 27th birthday. C, a work friend who lives in London is putting me up and has been the most generous hostess ever. My trip so far have had some elements of ridiculousness---like trying to get a hotel in Paris but getting booked for a hotel in London,--my credit card trying to shut down my account due to European "fraud" (when I TOLD them I was going to Europe before I left), a currency exchange rate of 2.41 dollars per 1 pound plus processing fee--((((ha (ok one fast story before I leave)--yesterday C, her husband S and his friend N and I were trying to catch a really expensive tour (120 US dollars each) that we already paid for. So we leave at 7:15am (and my poor jet-lag PMS body thinks it 5 hours earlier) and end up going to the wrong location and...have only 10 minutes to find the right location before the tour leaves, so we flag a cab and AS SOON as we get to an intersection a parade of really really slow cars go by. ahhhhhh hahahaha, but we made it.))))

BUT really folks...a little perspective...

I have already been to Greenwich (where the world time is set and East meets West), the Docklands, Buckhingham Palace, Big Ben, Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and the Roman Baths..and it's only been two days. I have a free place to stay in London with the sweetest most accomadating couple ever. So, what am I really complaining about??

more later...

I need to go play!

Happy B-day to me!

email me! you know you wanna: