Monday, January 28, 2008

So R from Marketing stopped by to talk to me about Project blahblahblah....or, to be more accurate, he stopped by to talk to my chest. I was like "HEY! Eyes up here buddy." R looked confused. I guess my boobies were not making enough sense.



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Friday, January 25, 2008

Psychotic Toilets of DOOM! Next to my job!

I guess I am the last know about stuff—but (and thanks IRC for the heads up) NYC has new public toilets. HOORAY! They cost 25 cents for 15 minutes and "after 12 minutes of use, an acoustic alarm and red flashing lights go off for three minutes before the door opens."

I'm SORRY WHAT? Some kid is so going to be permanently traumatized. BAH!

After this, the doors close and the bathroom is sterilized within an inch of its life.

Also, it is imperative to mention that the maximum capacity is 450 pounds.. erm for one toilet / person? Maybe I have a dirty mind but


Here is the Press Release ((and I hope the ripping of toilet paper as oppose to the cutting of ribbon for the grand opening is duly noted))!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I just read Steve Martin’s autobiography last night. I know that I should be focusing on all of the profound stuff he is saying but all I can think is holy crap that man got a lot of action!

This is the same goofball from Father of the Bride and The Three Amigos!

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I guess MLK is not the only person "who has a dream..."

Watch Bill Clinton fall asleep during a MLK Remembrance Speech

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flirting 101 (i should be insulted that i was e-mailed this link (because i gots no game) however i am actually really interested):

so i am reading the article and under The Science of Flirting it says:

"If we only governed flirting with the most rational part of our brains, we might not ever flirt -- or get a date -- at all. In fact, according to biologist Dr. Antonio Damasio, there's a connection between brain damage and flirting. He states that "people with damage to the connection between their limbic structures and the higher brain are smart and rational -- but unable to make decisions" [source: Psychology Today]."

BAH! i don't have brain damage! i'm just shy when it comes to boys! hahaha

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Friday, January 18, 2008

I love me some girl movies!…even superficial-fluffy-Jr. High-slumber-party-chick flicks…and I am so not going to apologize for this.

I am super excited about the movies coming out below! I am confident that Tina Fey’s movie will be smartly written because (as Mean Girls, SNL, and 30 Rock have established) Fey is pretty sharp with the pen. Not to mention, (and maybe I am biased because I am studying at the UCBT) Amy Poehler has great comedic timing. I also have high hopes for Katherine Heigl’s movie (Heigl’s comedic timing was on point in Knocked Up—who knew?--plus Heigl is smart enough to launch her own production company which makes me love her even more). I am pretty sure Eva Longoria’s movie will be superficial and silly but I love how she plays bitchy on Desperate Housewives. Besides, I am excited that a Latina has a lead role in a movie and even more excited that Longoria is not playing a maid in said movie. Not all Latinas are maids and /or immigrants. Just going to put that out there.

You can see the movie trailers here:

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Co-worker A just told co-worker N that he made up a bull sh-- club in high school called:


Students Talking About Problems Like EqualS

Just so they would have something to write on their empty college applications.

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So apparently my Costco Green Tea bags come with instructions:

Place the tea bag into your cup.
Pour hot water at 176 degrees F (80 degrees C)
Wait about 30 seconds before you remove the tea bag from your cup.

I was so lost before those instructions -- THANK YOU SO MUCH for clearing that up, Costco!

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

I want to drop kick my Bikram yoga instructor.

We are not allowed to pee, leave the room, or do non-Bikram poses. We are also not allowed to drink water or MOVE unless she says it's ok.

Keep in mind Bikram Yoga is 90 minutes of Hatha Yoga in an enclosed/windowless 105 degrees F/60% humidity room.

Something about learning self-control and focus blahblahblaaaaah.

Maybe I'll thank her in 6 months when I am healthy and all zen and crap but for right now all I can think is---

WHAT a Freaking Fascist.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I had a dream last night where there were a large group of women (including me) drowning in the ocean due to shipwreck. We somehow made it to shore and then I wanted to go home. So, I got on the bus but was too tired to get off at my stop so I sat on the bus and then eventually got off someplace I have never been. I went to a party in my shipwrecked clothes however nobody seemed to notice. And since they never asked what happened I never told them. So I danced all night in my tattered clothes that nobody noticed pretending that a life-altering event did not just occur.

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when i was two my god-mother dressed up like a clown for my birthday and when she walked in the room--all decked out in her clown glory--i would not stop screaming (not crying--screaming) until she left. i wonder if this was because when i was born my abuelo (grandpa) got me a stuffed clown doll with huge bugged out eyes to “snuggle up” with.

i got clown issues, i know.

at any rate, that’s why i find this article hilarious methinks:

Don't send in the clowns

Wed Jan 16, 8:32 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Bad news for Coco and Blinko -- children don't like clowns and even older kids are scared of them.
The news that will no doubt have clowns shedding tears was revealed in a poll of youngsters by researchers from the University of Sheffield who were examining how to improve the decor of hospital children's wards.
The study, reported in the Nursing Standard magazine, found all the 250 patients aged between four and 16 they quizzed disliked the use of clowns, with even the older ones finding them scary.
"As adults we make assumptions about what works for children," said Penny Curtis, a senior lecturer in research at the university.
"We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable."
(Reporting by Michael Holden; Editing by Steve Addison)

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When you are the last person to the bagel cart in the morning and your options are fat free salmon cream cheese spread for your bagel or nothing at all…always choose NOTHING AT ALL. I just learned this the hard way.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crazy Co-Worker Y’s (the one who sits right behind me) had to empty out her desk and move on Friday. I was in a meeting all morning so I had no idea why. Perhaps it was because she coated my desk (with me in it) with Lysol (which got me sick)? At any rate, she got moved to another (faaaar away!!) part of the building. When she moved, co-worker S and I danced around the office. Oh, and our male boss C laid seductively on Y’s desk like a swim-suit calendar but I don’t really want to talk about that.

So today, co-worker M’s friend came by our side of the building to complain about some ridiculously obnoxious lady who just moved in the cubicle next to her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. She is talking about Crazy Co-Worker Y.


((Please refer to Thursday, January 03, 2008's post for clarification.))

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Creepy bumper sticker of the year posted on my bus this morning:
“Because sexy prisoners need love too”

I don’t have time to really look at the site but the first line is:

“This is the place to come to meet great friends, Penpals and even a lot more.”


get me out of new jersey STAT.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

I am going to DIE alone. No, seriously, if I don't get over being so freaking shy around boys, I am going to DIE alone. There was a cute guy in the lunch line behind me (wow…Jr. High flashback I KNOW) and he kept on trying to talk to me. HOWEVES, yours truly got really shy and I put my head down and just mumbled responses back and then as soon as I got my food left quickly. WHAT is wrong with me? I am not a shy person by any means, in fact I am pretty loud and boisterous EXCEPT when it comes to dating. In college I asked this guy out on the last day of school and then I turned around and RAN AWAY. This would all be hilarious if it were not SO SO SO SAD.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

My co-worker just said:

"not only do i have a fake tree but i wrap fake presents to put under the fake tree."

my response:

"that is quite possibly the saddest thing i have ever heard."

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

AL [4:42 PM]:
we should start a blog about her
AL [4:42 PM]:
it would be hilarious
EE[4:42 PM]:
oh you think i haven't?
AL[4:43 PM]:
really? where?
EE[4:43 PM]:
no i am kidding but i do have a blog
EE[4:43 PM]:
that sometimes has office stuff in it
AL [4:43 PM]:
AL [4:43 PM]:
so is today's episode going in?
EE [4:44 PM]:
EE [4:50 PM]:
My crazy co-worker Yvette just sprayed a half a can of Lysol around her cubicle (which is 2 feet away from mine) because she refuses to “get anymore sick”. Of course, she is already getting better and it was earlier on this week that her contagious germs of death were permeating our innocent healthy office environment. And now I am breathing in a life time supply of Pine-scented Lysol crap and my eyes are burning out of my sockets. MY EYES! MY EYYYYES! Home-girl is going down. Oh, it is so on.
AL [4:51 PM]:
i'd mention her name as just "Y" and play the pun of "why? oh why god!?"
AL [4:52 PM]:
mention that she showered all of us.
AL [4:52 PM]:
all 12 of us
EE [4:54 PM]:
My crazy co-worker Y (as in Y God? WWWHHHHYYYYY? (hahaha another co-worker told me to add that)) just sprayed a half a can of Lysol around her cubicle (which is 2 feet away from mine) because she refuses to “get anymore sick”. She then proceeded to shower the rest of the office with her pine-scented Lysol can-o-fun. Of course, she is already getting better and it was earlier on this week that her contagious germs of death were permeating our innocent healthy office environment. And now I am breathing in a life-time supply of pine-scented Lysol crap and my eyes are burning out of my sockets. MY EYES! MY EYYYYES! Home-girl is going down. Oh, it is so on.
AL [4:55 PM]:

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"he who drowns first has the last word"

is the ancient chinese proverb on the green tea i am drinking.

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The Year of the Dreamer

Writer Robbie Baitz has called 2008, The Year of the Dreamer.

This is also the year Elidia finds her voice.


I am tired of being overweight. So I signed on for a 6 month min. commitment with Bikram Yoga (90 minutes of hatha yoga done in 105 degree heat, 60% humidity), but have no time to do it in the evening. This means I have to get up 3.5 hours earlier just to make the 6:45am class. Today, I had to wait outside for the bus this morning at 5:30am with a negative 2 degree wind-chill factor (living next to the Hudson River during winter is such gooood times.) You know what though? No more excuses when it comes to getting healthy.


I consider myself a writer but I rarely write anymore--so I just enrolled in the last spot in UCB current cycle's last open Sketch Comedy Writing 101. And I am actually really nervous---I was pretty nervous when I signed up for UCB Improv 101 (I had such bad stage fright it took me a whole year just to sign up for the first level). However, my teacher Ari was incredibly supportive and to this day continues to give me amazing advice.


I have enrolled in UCB's Improv 301. I am really excited and no longer nervous about performing. I'd say that is largely due to my Improv 201 class/teacher combo. 201 is really exhausting because it is comedy theory and my teacher Curtis was super blunt yet really smart with his observations—and that combination kinda forced me to get over myself.

These are not New Year's Resolutions—I have not made any New Year's Resolutions since elementary school. This is more a declaration to no longer be stagnant in how my life unfolds.

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