Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Year of the Dreamer

Writer Robbie Baitz has called 2008, The Year of the Dreamer.

This is also the year Elidia finds her voice.


I am tired of being overweight. So I signed on for a 6 month min. commitment with Bikram Yoga (90 minutes of hatha yoga done in 105 degree heat, 60% humidity), but have no time to do it in the evening. This means I have to get up 3.5 hours earlier just to make the 6:45am class. Today, I had to wait outside for the bus this morning at 5:30am with a negative 2 degree wind-chill factor (living next to the Hudson River during winter is such gooood times.) You know what though? No more excuses when it comes to getting healthy.


I consider myself a writer but I rarely write anymore--so I just enrolled in the last spot in UCB current cycle's last open Sketch Comedy Writing 101. And I am actually really nervous---I was pretty nervous when I signed up for UCB Improv 101 (I had such bad stage fright it took me a whole year just to sign up for the first level). However, my teacher Ari was incredibly supportive and to this day continues to give me amazing advice.


I have enrolled in UCB's Improv 301. I am really excited and no longer nervous about performing. I'd say that is largely due to my Improv 201 class/teacher combo. 201 is really exhausting because it is comedy theory and my teacher Curtis was super blunt yet really smart with his observations—and that combination kinda forced me to get over myself.

These are not New Year's Resolutions—I have not made any New Year's Resolutions since elementary school. This is more a declaration to no longer be stagnant in how my life unfolds.

email me! you know you wanna: