Tuesday, September 12, 2006

i moved to harlem.

hey, for half the rent, you'd move too!

and let me just say i love that the produce guy in my local bodega feels no shame pausing in the middle of restocking peaches to eat a peach himself. maybe i'll just get bananas.

actually, i love NYC in general.

i love that the two middle age men that came to install my roomie's TV were having an argument over who was cooler: kevin or justin. as in kevin federline or justin timberlake. what are they--12 year old girls?

i love that my neighbor feels the need to inform me of all the local gossip regardless of whether i'm in a hurry or not. oh no she didn't...oh yesss she did!

and i love that last night my final memory of 9/11/06 was not of the necessary sadness that overwhelmed the day but instead it was overhearing my neighbor's sing happy birthday to a little girl named hannah.