Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ok, I have not written in this blog for eight months…but I realized today is my anniversary! I moved to NYC May 15, 2006 exactly one year ago today. I put the last post explaining why I am no longer a Teaching Fellow if you wanted to catch up a bit.. I wrote that in December 2006. It’s been a rough ride..and I feel like I am barely hanging on but DAMNIT! I made it one whole year here in NYC!!! And now it’s starting to come together.. I am moving to BK to a nice area, I have a temp to perm job at a media agency w/ nice co-workers (well today one did put a smelly fish in a cup on my desk as a joke, but we'll see who has the last laugh tomorrow when he leaves his computer and a love note mysteriously is sent from his e-mail account to our boss!!)a great boss who let me take lunch today with pay b/c the sun was shining (it's the little things my friends!)…granted things are not perfect, but life is not perfect…there are things I still wonder about like moving to Madrid or taking a chance and trying out for an improv show. Today I saw a man on the subway that I have seen once before…I was so upset b/c I missed my express train last week so I opted to take the local. Right in front of me was a man with a newborn and a 4/5 year old daughter. It was the sweetest thing ever because she was singing, the father was singing and it totally made my day. Today I saw the same man, with his two children and his wife in tow. Does that mean anything? Do I think too much about this crap? Yeah probably. All I know is that one year ago today I came here wide-eyed, a bit sad, and stubborn as all hell to make it here. A year later I have amazing friends, made peace with my past and still am stubborn as all hell to make it here. I refuse to let NYC eat me alive…NYC is going to fucking LOVE me and I refuse to have NYC kick me out. Everyone thought I was going to quit and run home every time things got bad, but NO, I am going to leave on MY own terms. Oooo I am so hard-core. Haha.