Tuesday, September 04, 2007

IM Convo I had today will co-worker HR

HR [5:07 PM]:
Regardless, it's pretty odd everyone is leaving all of a sudden. M, S, S and now G

ME [5:07 PM]:
i have no idea who s is

HR [5:08 PM]:
The indian IT dude that manages our servers, specifically IIS stuff

ME [5:08 PM]:
oh. and everyone on the staff at my church is leaving too
ME [5:08 PM]:
hmmm it seems to be an epidemic!

HR [5:08 PM]:
oh and of course K, but that was to be expected

ME [5:08 PM]:
but none of these people were happy here either

HR [5:08 PM]:
HR [5:08 PM]:
E, I'll never leave you! hahaha

ME [5:09 PM]:
mr. rogers told me that too
ME [5:10 PM]:
but then he went and died on me
ME [5:10 PM]:

HR [5:10 PM]:

ME [5:10 PM]:
LYING bastard

HR [5:11 PM]:
did i tell you the year after i graduated, the proceeding graduating class got mr. rogers to give their commencement speech, but he died on them and they were unable to find a suitable replacement in time

ME [5:11 PM]:
that is the worst story in the whole wide world.

email me! you know you wanna: heydreamergirl@yahoo.com