Thursday, February 21, 2008

Remember the TV show Family Matters? It was my favorite show back in the day. Remember the Western episode? Where Aunt Rachel is a madam/showgirl and sings "Rick-a-Shay Rachel"? No? Well, I do. I can actually sing the whole song.

Anywhoo, due to my unhealthy obsession with all things Family Matters I have different cast pictures as my background on my work computer. So, my office messenger guy T comes by today and sees one of the pictures.

Now I love T because he is this sweet old guy who always asks me questions but never gets my answers…but then again few do.

Le Sigh.

One of these days he's going to stop asking me questions all together.

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T: Why do you have a picture of a black man as your background?

Me: That's Steve Urkel!

T: Who?

ME: From the TV Show Family Matters?!

T: What?

Me: Carl Winslow? Laura? Aunt Rachel?

T: Oh. So here's your mail. Bye.