Wednesday, May 07, 2008

NYC Subway Stories:

So, one of my bosses came in this morning flustered about the morning train ride’s goings on. Apparently a pervert on the train took out his unmentionables and started rubbing on a female passenger. Well, what Pervert did know what that Female Passenger was not having ANY of that…so she turned around and clocked him. Then she continued beating him up until the next stop where she got off to report him. Female Passenger is my HERO! GO GIRL. GO ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF. If I was there I would have been right behind her giving air punches. Ha.

I have a subway story of my own…not as disturbing…but pretty interesting. A few months ago, I was in transit on the train reading the headline on a passenger’s newspaper. Well, said passenger was apparently non too happy I was reading his newspaper (that was wide open and right in front of my face) so his logical solution for me to stop reading his newspaper was for him to start EATING the newspaper. Erm…… it aint that serious boo. He continued eating the newspaper until a concerned passenger notified the conductor and once Newspaper Eater- Upper realized that they were contacting the police he ran off the train yelling “I’m NOOOT GOING BACK THERE!!!!!”

OOH NYC. Does anybody have any NYC Subway stories they want to share?

-- my old So Bronx Co Worker Dan the Man shares:

I've become so numb to subway incidents that my brain doesn't even store them anymore. There are the regulars, the saxophone player with tin foil antennae who says he's from outerspace and needs your donations to help him build a new space ship to get back home. There's the guy with the routine about how he pays $2 rent for his house, while we pay $2000 dollars a month for a house that doesn't even go anywhere, and then tells the seated passengers to get off his couch.
But my favorite recent incident was actually on a bus. I was on the M60 bus that goes down 125th St., and this guy snuck in the back door of the bus, appearing otherwise normal. About ten minutes later in the packed but silent bus he starts screaming with a big smile on his face "Heyyyy! I know, right? You know, I think they broke up, but they were a great band, right lady?" (he looked like he was talking to someone on the other end of the bus, but he really wasn't). "What was that song they sang?" Then his eyes got really wide, and he started dancing, bumping into people singing. "AH HAH I LIKE COOOOOKIIIIEEES! AH HAH I LIKE COOOOKIIIIEEEES! Aw, man. They were amazing!"
As luck would have it, we got off at the same stop, and I made sure to walk behind him. This was the best part. Every time a man would be walking towards him, he would stare at them, and they always noticed, and prepared for war getting halfway through their windup when he would say "Hey man how ya doin'?" Then they'd immediately disarm and say something like "Alright, man, how're you?" He did it to like 15 guys as we walked down the street! It was pretty hilarious.
Pretty tame in comparison, and maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.
