Saturday, August 18, 2007

My friends think I am peculiar (well, more so than normal) for steering clear of building windows above me when moseying down the street. Peculiar? Hummmph. Lemme tell you a lil’ story….

…Last summer I was a Drama T.A. for 72 “at-risk” 2nd graders. Two of the precocious little darlings decided it would hilarious to pee out of the bathroom window. Now mind you, they were second graders, thus rather short…and the window was pretty high they had to aim preetty darn carefully. And aim those little fellas did, right out of the window onto the construction workers below. How I was expected to punish them whilst keeping a straight face was beyond me.

Anywhoo, this is why I do not walk under windows…because on a hot summer day those air conditioners are dripping water like crazy onto the passer-bys below—and even though I know logically that it is water—there is a part of me that will now forever, subconsciously or not, associate liquid coming out of windows as pee—so I’ll just stick to walking on the opposite side of the sidewalk thank-you.

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