Saturday, August 18, 2007

random e-mail ((#1)) from my pink shirt wearing Scottish boss::

"In the light of recent events, and as we looking to add a couple of people to teamXXXX, the thought occurred to me that we should have a “what does it take to be in teamXXXX?” type question.

Obviously a collective hatred for Scottish people in pink shirts goes without saying.

However, what defines the work environment? How do we all get on?

In a recent conversation with Project ManagerXXXX it occurred to me – Mike Judge’s Office Space. Mandatory viewing of this. An understanding of the dialogue:

Bob: Peter – describe a typical day for you

Peter: Well, I generally come in 15 minutes late, usually through the side door so that my boss doesn’t notice. I then turn on my computer and just kind of phase out.

Bob: What do you mean, phase out?

Peter: well, I just kind of stare at my computer screen. It gives the illusion I am working, but I am not actually doing anything. Then I go for lunch, come back late and head home early. So, in general, in any given day, I probably only do about 15 minutes actual work

This is not the exact wording, but the best I can do from memory.

So, questions for future candidates:

What kind of stapler is the bone of contention?

How does Peter increase his office space?

What is the track to beat up on a fax machine?

What is an “O” face?

How do you get the financing to eventually get funding to create a “Jump to conclusions mat”?

Is Jennifer Anniston tolerable in this movie?

What is the minimum amount of flare that should be worn?

Any other questions that you can think of would be greatly appreciated.

If you have not seen this film, you should. Then look up around you in Company XXXX. It is better even than “Waiting”, which as anyone that has been a waiter/waitress knows – never mess with someone that is delivering food that you will consume.


email me! you know you wanna: